Monday, September 30, 2019

Sex Discrimination at Walmart

Sex Discrimination at Wal-Mart OMM640 Business Ethics and Social Responsibility Dr. : David Britton May 14, 2012 Betty Dukes along with five other women filled a law suit against Wal-Mart Inc. in 2001 for discrimination against women, denying them their raises and also their promotions. Betty Dukes and the other women hope that they can stand for hundreds of thousands of other women who might have been similarly affected by this type of behavior when they were there also. Years later the ladies got the go ahead to represent 1. 6 other women in the case seeking back wages and maybe even punitive damages from Wal-Mart.This is by far the biggest class action suit against such a huge company and by these ladies getting the go ahead they have to prove to a court that Wal-Mart treated them unfairly. Wal-Mart has denied that such atrocities have ever taken place. If it is found that Wal-Mart did in fact do these things not only would their image ne tarnished, they would also end up paying b illions of dollars to these ladies and open a door for other suits to be filed against them for whatever purpose and also sends a message saying no matter how big a company you are you are still going to be held accountable for the way in which you treat people.That is why laws were established for this precise purpose. Wal-Mart was hoping to have the case dismissed and have all the women file separately which would be easier for them because all of the women filing together would stand to gain millions from them. The financial impact a law suit of this magnitude might have on Wal-Mart would be loss of business, loss of millions of dollars paid to the women and the majority of shoppers that frequent Wal-Mart are women and if they are found to be discriminating against women of course other women will not shop there.Them they would have to end up letting go a Lot of people if they don’t have the money to sustain them; companies that supply to them would pull out, and with the criticism they would get would probably destroy the company. Wal-Mart has maintained that they did not discriminate against Betty and the other women that filed claim against, but I believe that Wal-Mart knew exactly what was going on and just chose to ignore Betty when she was making her complaints. They began to take her seriously when she filed the suit.Some of the moral complaints the women were suing Wal-Mart for was for statistical disparities such female workers were less likely to be paid the proper wages as the men; they were denied promotion in a timely fashion different to those of the men (Boatright, 2009, pg. 199). There was a lot of bias involved with all of this; it even has a hint of gender stereotyping. I believe the moral complaints were justified because Betty made complaints to managers and higher up and because she did this they began to treat her differently and demoted her for not opening a cash register with a penny but for talking.When it came to promotions opportunities they were not made known, and those that she wanted they kept telling her they were filled and hired male counter parts that were not fit for the position. What made Wal-Mart managers determine what part of the store you worked was based on your gender and that was wrong, not because they were women meant they could not do what was needed. The women by far were more experienced than the men and the stayed longer on the job also.It was shown based on the records of the trial and brought up in the news that this massive company had so discrepancies that they had to correct as it pertained to the way they treated women. They would first have to start off improving their employment policies and what they are looking for in individual. They have to be an equal opportunity employer and employ People based on their skills and experience on a particular job. Women need to be promoted into management programs just as men do, not showing favoritism to men over women.They have to allow people to work anywhere in the store as long as they can do the job and not putting them in whatever department they think they should be in. Develop a program that teaches all employees about diversity in the work place and place emphasis on respecting women and treating them fairly. Starting an affirmative program would be to the benefit of the company, they have to learn that women are priced just as highly as men and the way they. For women with kids it is hard for them to work as they would because they have no child care and this is something that Wal-Mart must put in place.Proper compensation for the work being done and it should be equal pay for both parties involved. Training programs for employees that want to advancement and how to work with each other. In conclusion I would have to say it would have been a good luck for the women to win that discrimination law suit against Wal-Mart Inc. I am actually surprised at the outcome but I understand it. None the less Bett y Duke allowed the world to see Wal-Mart for who they really are and allowed them to see that they were treating women unfairly and they now have the opportunity to reevaluate the way they do things.Women have the right to be treated fairly and equally and also have the right to be paid and promoted just as any man. The law suit also opened up the eyes of all the other companies that were watching with a keen interest. References: Boatright, J. (2009). Ethics and the conduct of business (6th Ed) Upper Saddle River, NJ Prentice Hall Emily Friedman, April 16, 2010, Appeals Court Rules Wal-Mart Sex Discrimination Case Can Go to Trial Retrieved May 14, 2014 from http://abcnews. go. com/WN/Business/wal-mart-sex-discrimination-case-trial/story? d=10480510 Wal-Mart sex-bias case could have wide impact Retrieved May 14, 2012 from http://www. msnbc. msn. com/id/42250811/ns/business-careers/t/wal-mart-sex-bias-case-could-have-wide-impact/ Wal-Mart Wins Request in Bias Case Retrieved May 15, 2 012 from http://www. blackchristiannews. com/news/2009/02/wal-mart-wins-request-in-bias-case. html Betty. V Goliath Retrieved May 15, 2012 from http://walmartwatch. com/wp-content/blogs. dir/2/files/pdf/dukes_backgrounder. pdf

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Islam, Terrorism and the Role of Media Essay

Terrorism – Islam, the Most Widely Misunderstood Religion and the Role of Media Increasing terrorism across the globe can be contributed to many factors such as extremism, poverty and literacy rate just to name a few; however, widely misunderstood religions have been the focus of the blame, disregarding the root causes. It has been over a decade since Islam is being openly criticized for promoting terrorism. Islam is the only religion that has been constantly associated with terrorism; however, it does not promote terrorism, but actually condemns it. The only possible way to eliminate terrorism is if media and super powers such as United States, China and Russia stop taking advantage of general public and start playing a positive role in this whole blame game. Individuals from the west view that Islam promotes terrorism, have their own point of view. They trust that western values are in conflict with the Islamic values, resulting in a clash of eastern and western cultures. According to the western view point, Muslims have an aversion to the west for its successful secular state and therefore, express their hatred in the form of terrorism. There is no doubt that the values of western people are in conflict with the values of Islam. Muslims do not seem to like the idea of secularism; however, this is not the main reason for terrorist activities carried out by Muslims. First, we need to understand how terrorism arises. What is the main cause of terrorism? As Woodberry J. Dudley (2002) points out, â€Å"Terrorism is a response to built-up grievances, real or imagined. Therefore, one cannot drive out terrorism without dealing with the grievances that have led to it. The most obvious of these issues is the Israel-Palestine conflict.† Another major point raised by Western media is the doctrine of Jihad in Islam. They claim that the doctrine of Jihad in Islam plays an important role in promoting terrorism. Raphael Israeli argues in ‘The Islamic Doctrine of Jihad Advocates Violence’ and Jennifer Hurley quotes him, â€Å"Jihad has principally one meaning: a military action designed to expand the outer borders of the realm of Islam or to protect the borders of Dar al-Islam from encroaching unbelievers† (Hurley, 2000). Although it would easily appear that Jihad advocates violence, and thus results in terrorist activities from Muslims, this is untrue. One cannot come to the conclusion that Jihad  promotes terrorism just by looking at the actions of Muslims, but instead need to understand the concept of Jihad. First of all, Jihad does not mean Holy War. It means to strive for something. As Mohammed Abdul Malek points out in the following: â€Å"In reality jihad is a duty of Muslims to commit themselves to a struggle on all fronts – moral, spiritual and political – to create a just and decent society. It is not a ‘holy war’ against the Muslims during the time of the Crusades (a war instigated by the Church for religious gain). There are other words in Arabic which are more appropriate to use in a war situation, if war was the principal purpose of Jihad. Examples of such words are ‘harb’ (war) and ‘maaraka’ (battle).The Holy Quran could have used these instead of Jihad, if the intention was the declaration of war.† (Hurley 2000). Hence, it is clear that it is the misinterpretation of Jihad that has led Muslims and Non-Muslims to believe that Jihad advocates terrorism. It is understandable if the doctrine of Jihad is misinterpreted by Non-Muslims, because they may not have enough knowledge about the laws of Islam or they may not have an understanding of the teachings of the Holy Quran, the holiest book for Muslims. Yet how come various Muslims misinterpret the doctrine of Jihad? As Pervez Amir Ali Hoodbhoy, a Pakistani nuclear physicist, notes that, â€Å"Maulana Abdus Sattar Edhi, Pakistan’s preeminent social worker, and the Taliban’s Mohammad Omar are both followers of Islam, but the former is overdue for a Nobel Peace Prize while the latter is an ignorant, psychotic fiend.† (Schafer, 2002). These two men represent the two ways of understanding Islam. One understanding is what Islam says. The other is the way it can be explained so that it fits in with one’s own beliefs. The difference between the two is very obvious. Many Muslims tend to believe or explain things that fit in their beliefs. Unfortunately, this approach of understanding Islam has led to the misinterpretation of not only jihad, but the whole of Islam. On the other hand, right after the terrorist acts of 9/11, journalists were seen as being biased. Apparently, they were just doing their jobs but the after effects of the incident put them into a severe patriotic state. There is nothing wrong with being patriotic about your country and hating your enemies but while doing a job that makes you stand in front of the millions, patriotism came out as a controversial factor. (Hess, Kalb, Brookings & Shorenstein, 2003). As John McWethy, the chief national security  correspondent for ABC News, responded: â€Å"When you are on television, you are a symbol for your network. I would no more wave an American ï ¬â€šag while I am trying to report in a nonbiased way about conï ¬â€šict overseas than I would a Canadian ï ¬â€šag or a British ï ¬â€šag if I were a citizen of those countries. I’m a reporter.† (Hess, Kalb, Brookings & Shoranstein, 2003). At the same time, a majority of population residing in the Middle East and South Asia, condemn the western media for being biased against Islam. One has to agree to a certain level that American Republicans, who are known to be conservative, have control over few news channels and those channels only show one side of the story. In these critical times, the media’s role should be to help resolve the conflicts and show its audience the real face of terrorism. As Red Batario writes, â€Å"From where I stand, as a citizen and media consumer, the stories that come my way are bereft of one important thing: context and empowering information. They do not allow me to make sense of what is happening around me. The stories tell me of problems, they do not tell me that something can be done. They tell me that everything is wrong but nothing about what’s working. Other stories cite Muslim terrorists but I have yet to come across a news item identifying para-military groups who assassinated their victims as Christian terrorists.† (Batario, 2012). Western media is also responsible for not appreciating the efforts made by Muslim community on daily basis. Those journalists and new anchors have totally ignored the anti-terrorism, anti 9/11 and anti Al-Qaeda attitude shown by Muslim patriots of the west. How come they do not see how it is like to grow a beard or wear hijab and curse the terrorists; the enemies of the west at the same time. As Kamran Pasha, an author and a Hollywood filmmaker writes, â€Å"Thomas Friedman wrote an outrageous column in The New York Times claiming that no major Muslim cleric or religious body has ever issued a fatwa condemning Osama Bin Laden.† (Pasha, 2009). Fatwa means a legal pronouncement in Islam usually given by an Islamic scholar to clarify a question. (Wikipedia, 2013). The surprising part is that a ‘fatwa’ had already been issued by some Spanish Scholars in March 2005 yet Friedman chose to lie and misguided his fellow Americans and an unknown number of souls all over the world. Pasha further elaborates, â€Å"There is a real political agenda inside the media itself to keep Islam as the enemy, and to portray mainstream Muslims as a fifth column inside America. The idea that  your Muslim neighbors are silently supporting Bin Laden sells newspapers. It captures the attention of viewers of the nightly news. And it furthers the ambitions of politicians who need a rallying point to get votes.† (Pasha, 2009). It is true that most of the actions taken by the Muslims in the west go unnoticed. For example, Pakistan, a country located in South East Asia, has been fighting the war on terror for last 12 years and has lost the lives of thousands of soldiers and civilians but still media keeps portraying Pakistan as a terrorist country. My question is, what would make their voices get heard? What exactly do they have to do in order to justify that they equally condemn terrorism? I guess no one better than media can answer these questions. Media definitely needs to play a more positive role instead of neglecting the real facts. The great minds in the media who create controversial stories should emphasize on coming up with creative ideas to illuminate the audience with truth. With the help of them and general public, many atrocities can be avoided by conveying the right message to the public. As Cerge Remonde said and Batario writes, â€Å"We (the broadcast media) generate a lot of heat but very little light.† (Batario, 2012). In conclusion, Islam has widely been misinterpreted both in the western world and the Islamic world. To solve this problem, one cannot resort to war as a resolution or change the values of Islam, but instead there needs to be a change in western diplomacy to take into account the grievances held by many Muslims. The United States needs to change its foreign policies, especially concerning the Arab-Israeli conflict, which would help many Muslims believe that the United States really wants to solve the issue at hand. Not only does the responsibility lie in the hands of United States, but also the Muslim Umma (society), who as a whole need to step up and realize that what they believe in is wrong and they need to find out the truth. The authorities of Islam need to step up and take a stand. They need to educate the Muslim society and create more awareness about the true meaning of Jihad and other similar complicated concepts. If not, certainly this is only the beginning of terrorism in Islam. Not to mention, if media cooperates and stops being biased and one sided, issues bigger than terrorism could be overcome without wasting billions of dollars and many innocent civilian lives. References Batario, Red. (2012, May 21). Media’s Role in Conflict and Terrorism. Center for Community Journalism and Development. Retrieved from Fatwa. (2013, March 8). Wikipedia, . Retrieved September 26, 2013 from Hess, S., Kalb, M. L., Brookings, I., & Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, P. (2003). The Media and the War on Terrorism. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press. Hurley, J. A., & Hurley, J. (2000). Islam: opposing viewpoints. Greenhaven Press. Israeli, Raphael. (2001). The Islamic Doctrine of Jihad Advocated Violence. Jennifer A. Hurley (Eds.). Islam Opposing Viewpoints. (20-115) San Diego: Greenhaven Press. Malek, Mohammed A. The Islamic Doctrine of Jihad Does Not Advocate Violence. Jennifer A. Hurley (Eds.). Islam Opposing Viewpoints. (24-121). San Diego: Greenhaven Press. Pasha, Kamran. (2009, April 20). The Big Lie about Muslim Silence on Terrorism. The Huffington Post. Retrieved from Schafer, D. (2002). Islam and Terrorism. Humanist, 62(3), 16. Woodberry, J. (2002). Terrorism, Islam and Mission: Reflections of a Guest in Muslims Lands. International Bulletin of Missionary Research. (1), 2.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Changes To The Bill Of Rights Essays - Criminal Procedure

Changes to the Bill of Rights How many rights do you have? You should check, because it might not be as many today as it was a few years ago, or even a few months ago. Some people I talk to are not concerned that police will execute a search warrant without knocking or that they set up roadblocks and stop and interrogate innocent citizens. They do not regard these as great infringements on their rights. But when you put current events together, there is information that may be surprising to people who have not yet been concerned: The amount of the Bill of Rights that is under attack is alarming. Let's take a look at the Bill of Rights and see which aspects are being pushed on or threatened. The point here is not the degree of each attack or its rightness or wrongness, but the sheer number of rights that are under attack. Amendment I Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. ESTABLISHING RELIGION: While campaigning for his first term, George Bush said "I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots." Bush has not retracted, commented on, or clarified this statement, in spite of requests to do so. According to Bush, this is one nation under God. And apparently if you are not within Bush's religious beliefs, you are not a citizen. Federal, state, and local governments also promote a particular religion (or, occasionally, religions) by spending public money on religious displays. FREE EXERCISE OF RELIGION: Robert Newmeyer and Glenn Braunstein were jailed in 1988 for refusing to stand in respect for a judge. Braunstein says the tradition of rising in court started decades ago when judges entered carrying Bibles. Since judges no longer carry Bibles, Braunstein says there is no reason to stand -- and his Bible tells him to honor no other God. For this religious practice, Newmeyer and Braunstein were jailed and are now suing. FREE SPEECH: We find that technology has given the government an excuse to interfere with free speech. Claiming that radio frequencies are a limited resource, the government tells broadcasters what to say (such as news and public and local service programming) and what not to say (obscenity, as defined by the Federal Communications Commission [FCC]). The FCC is investigating Boston PBS station WGBH-TV for broadcasting photographs from the Mapplethorpe exhibit. FREE SPEECH: There are also laws to limit political statements and contributions to political activities. In 1985, the Michigan Chamber of Commerce wanted to take out an advertisement supporting a candidate in the state house of representatives. But a 1976 Michigan law prohibits a corporation from using its general treasury funds to make independent expenditures in a political campaign. In March, the Supreme Court upheld that law. According to dissenting Justice Kennedy, it is now a felony in Michigan for the Sierra Club, the American Civil Liberties Union, or the Chamber of Commerce to advise the public how a candidate voted on issues of urgent concern to their members. FREE PRESS: As in speech, technology has provided another excuse for government intrusion in the press. If you distribute a magazine electronically and do not print copies, the government doesn't consider you a press and does not give you the same protections courts have extended to printed news. The equipment used to publish Phrack, a worldwide electronic magazine about phones and hacking, was confiscated after publishing a document copied from a Bell South computer entitled "A Bell South Standard Practice (BSP) 660-225-104SV Control Office Administration of Enhanced 911 Services for Special Services and Major Account Centers, March, 1988." All of the information in this document was publicly available from Bell South in other documents. The government has not alleged that the publisher of Phrack, Craig Neidorf, was involved with or participated in the copying of the document. Also, the person who copied this document from telephone company computers placed a copy on a bulletin boar d run by Rich Andrews. Andrews forwarded a copy to AT&T

Friday, September 27, 2019

Descartes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Descartes - Essay Example What are the sources of epistemology? What are the limits and structure of epistemology? If it is considered as a study of justified belief (JB), epistemology deals to reply to such questions as: How are we able to comprehend the idea of justification? What are the factors which make these justified beliefs justify? Is this justification external or internal to one’s own mind? Broadly comprehend epistemology deals with issues of dissemination and creation of knowledge in specific areas of question. This paper talks about what epistemology is, how it relates to justified belief, what is justified belief and explains the project of Descartes. (Audi, 1993) There are several types of knowledge: recognizing how something can be done (for instance, how can you ride a bicycle), knowing anyone in person, and knowing about a city or a place. Even though such type of knowledge consists of epistemological interest too, we shall emphasize on the knowledge of propositions and also relate t o such type of knowledge by means of the schema ‘S knows p’, in which ‘S’ is the subject who has all the knowledge and ‘p’ stands for the proposition that is known to us. Now our query will be: What are the compulsory and adequate criterions for S to know that p? We may broadly differentiate, between a non-traditional and traditional approach used in responding to this question. We shall relate to them as ‘NTK’ and ‘TK’. (Audi, 1993) Pertaining to TK, the knowledge that p is, at least roughly, justified true belief (JTB). Fake and bogus propositions cannot be identified. Thus, knowledge needs truth. The scheme S does not even consider cannot be a scheme that S knows. Thus, knowledge needs belief. Finally, S’s being right in thinking that p might just be a matter of good luck. Consequently, knowledge needs a third element as well, conventionally recognized as justification. Now we come at a tripartite psychoanaly sis of knowledge such as JTB: S also knows that p if and only if p is genuine and S is also justified in supposing p. This analysis talks about three conditions- belief, truth, and justification- are independently essential and collectively enough for knowledge. (Armstrong, 1973) At first, we were saying that the function of justification is just to make sure that S’s belief is not correct just because of luck. On this instance, NTK and TK are in mutual agreement with each other. TK and NTK do move away from each other from each other as soon as we go on to be more precise about faithfully how justification is to accomplish this role. Pertaining to TK, S’s idea that p is genuine not just because of luck when it is true or reasonable, from S’s own viewpoint, to keep p to be genuine. Now according to the theory of evidentialism, what comprises a belief is justified in this logic is the control of complete proof. The primary idea is that a belief is justified to th e extent that it fits the evidence provided by S. On the other hand, NTK imagines the responsibility of justification in a different sense. Its work is to make sure that S’s belief has a very high purpose of truth and thus, if genuine, is not true just because of luck. One famous plan is that this is done if, and only if, a belief is created in consistent cognitive faculties or processes. This view is called reliabilism. (Axtell, 1997) The Descartes project is a tripartite psychiatry of knowledge as JTB is sometimes known to be unfinished. These are the instances of JTB that contradict with cases of knowledge. Therefore, JTB is not enough for knowledge. Such cases are known as Gettier cases and they happen because n either the inauguration in reliable powers is enough for making sure that a belief is not genuine just due

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Course of action Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Course of action - Assignment Example MAPR enhances ‘independence in fact’ since limited interaction with any client reduces not only the pressure but also the monetary as well as other inducements, for auditing partners to sacrifice their reputation and independence so as to ‘remain silent’. As a consequence, auditing partners might be enthusiastic to question management on financial reporting and creative accounting issues. Secondly, long audit partner tenure means creation of a comfortable relationship between auditing partner and client, which adversely affects a partner’s show of independence. Thus such improvements as those can be brought by MAPR. The other reason why MAPR is best course of action is on the basis of on introduction of new/fresh eyes. Thus MAPR avoids ‘staleness’ emanating from repetitive previous engagements and thus will enhance quality and integrity of audit, since rotation permits the much needed ‘fresh eyes’ to evaluate the firm’ s financial statements as well as accounting policies/practices (Ottaway, 2013). Evidence-the US general accounting office (GAO), current data on ‘restatement rates’ linking to ‘error or fraud’ in previous financial statements subsequent to the closure of Arthur Anderson in 2002 that demanded compulsory auditor rotation for more than 1200 firms. Thus the data indicates a marked rise in restatement rates for ‘error and fraud’ after auditor rotation. It is evident therefore, that from this research GAO provided a possibly persuasive research demonstrating that â€Å"fresh eyes† actually do expose fraud and mistakes under a MAPR –comparable situation. This is apparent therefore, that MAPR promotes conservative and diligence decision making by partners as they will be alert, specifically at the end of their term, knowing a new auditor will be keenly inspecting their work with a pair of ‘fresh eyes’ (Ottaway,

Software evaluation Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Software evaluation - Thesis Example laces of education, computers are used and the basic applications that are used in educational institutions are the applications of MS Office (Roblyer 2005). For creating a document, MS Word is used, for calculation and listings, MS Excel is used, for making presentations, MS PowerPoint is used, for sending email, MS Outlook is used and for generating a database, MS Access is used (Mendelson 2006). All the mentioned applications are part of the MS Office package that is mostly used in educational institutions to accommodate the students with all kinds of knowledge that they are going to encounter in their professional lives. With the improvement of technology, the applications of MS Office are made better and new applications are introduced in the MS office package due to which, many tasks related to documentation, calculation, information gathering, information sending, record keeping and many other tasks are becoming much easier to perform. At educational level, the teachers and the administration staff has to consider various issues concerning the education of students. The teachers are required to develop a strategy for the students so that they can get the best kind of education with all the latest technology (Software Evaluation Sheets 1985). For educational purposes, the administrative staff along with the teachers should choose suitable software for the students that should be taught to them (Roblyer 2005). MS office is such software that is very significant on educational level and the teachers should select this software for the educational purpose (Squires and McDougall 1994). The package of MS office contains MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access, MS PowerPoint and MS Outlook that are employed on educational level generally. The package contains more applications but at educational level, only the applications that are mentioned above are employed by students, teachers and other related people (Ivers 1997). All of the applications of MS office accommodate

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Treasury and Risk Management in an International Context Assignment

Treasury and Risk Management in an International Context - Assignment Example Exchange rate system shows the arrangement in which an authority controls value of different currencies in foreign exchange market with respect to other currencies. There are mainly two types of exchange rate systems such as fixed and floating exchange rates. Fixed exchange rate system aims to fix the value of a currency against the value of a stronger currency, a basket of currencies or other measurements like gold. The system is better known as pegged exchange rate because it triggers to stabilize the value of a currency through pegging it with a steadier and internationally recognized currency. Hence, trading opportunities become more stabilized and predictable, especially for economies in which external trade is held responsible for a large chunk of Gross Domestic Product (Ghosh, A, M. G. Wolf and H. C. Wolf, 2002). Though, according to the theory, fixed exchange rate leads to establish greater economic stability and helps the multinational firms to forecast future currency rates so that risks associated with international pricing can be managed by them, in reality, devaluation or revaluation of currencies driven by inflation, interest rate, and other economic variables do not allow currencies to remain fixed forever (Caves, 2007). Hence, the policymakers have adopted a resolution of fixing currency with a portfolio of a number of currencies with different weights such as euro, yen, British pound etc. This type of exchange rate is less susceptible to the economic occurrences of a particular country. For instance, increase in inflation rate will directly impact on a currency pegged with US dollar; however, if the currency is pegged with a basket of currencies, the effect of increasing inflation in the US will be diluted by the presence of other currencies and will have less impact on the pegged currency.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Journal Entry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Journal Entry - Essay Example As a result, I lost meaningful friendships owing to barriers in communication that developed from the arguments. Previously, I had no strategy on how to handle a conflict. In the main, it is essential to uphold the principle of fairness, in which one admits a mistake when wrong and argues with a nonbiased mind. My biased arguments previously leaned on my point of view. In addition, as an introvert, I had difficulties maintaining friendships and hence I was not concerned about the outcome of a negotiation process and it effect on interpersonal relationships. However, it is essential to maintain a relationship with others and ensure that friendship continues after a negotiation process. Negotiation seeks to benefit both parties in the argument, and a resolution must favor all those involved in the process. At the end of the semester, I developed a different approach to negotiations. I have changed my approach to negotiation from an assertive approach in which I seek to satisfy my individual needs, to cooperativeness, which intends to satisfy the interests of others. I learnt the need for a structured approach to negotiation, which has so far proven successful in several cases that I have encountered in the course of the semester. The main aim of negotiation, as I have learnt, is to negotiate towards a Win-Win outcome in which both parties become satisfied. This involves a process of preparation and discussion, in which we discuss all issues and identify the main cause of the conflict. Preparation involves naming the parties involved, including witnesses to the conflict. Third parties/witnesses are invaluable in any negotiation forum because they always present an unbiased view to an argument. In addition, I have learnt the need to have a time-scale for a negotiation process to ensure that all issues are resolved in a timely manner. I have also gained skills in negotiation in the discussion process. In particular, I have

Monday, September 23, 2019

Development of U.S Policy towards Native Americans and Tribal Essay

Development of U.S Policy towards Native Americans and Tribal Government - Essay Example The civilization followed by the Native Americans is ancient, but this ancient civilization and old traditions have changed by time and the Native Americans have also changed their way of living and lifestyle with the changing world and environment. The written record of the 10 million populated Native Americans can be found with the European conflict because the conflict era between the old and new world cultures came with the advent of European colonization. In that period of time, the philosophies of the cultures were clashed, religious institutions and centers were challenged, old world cultures were changed, and modern technologies were changed; so this changed the entire picture of the historic value of old and new world of history. As the colonial era of England was revolted and the United States established, Native Americans also got the chance to enroll as natives and original habitants of their homelands. Native Americans have an exceptional association and liaison with the government of united states, and they have found their individual independent rights and provisions from the government of the united states to live according to their rights and beliefs in the form of bonded groups, nations and tribes so that they could maintain their own dignity and civilization to full extents. The Indian Citizenship Act of 1924 grants the right of being U.S. citizens to all the Native Americans so that they could live independently and enjoy their lifestyles with full freedom and justification. "Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all non-citizen Native Americans born within the territorial limits of the United States be, and they are hereby, declared to be citizens of the United States: Provided, That the granting of such citizenship shall not in any manner impair or otherwise affect the right of any Native American to tribal or other

Sunday, September 22, 2019

My Study Plan Essay Example for Free

My Study Plan Essay Im glad that Ive such a determination to France for further study. I do hope you will accept me for higher education in your distinguish college. Â  I was always appeal to the romantic and mysterious culture in France, Especially the state of art. Its really astonished by the world. Personally, one should have artistic mentality even if hes major in Mechanical. But, the main reason for study in France is actually the education. Its a country that pay serious attention to education, and government in France has invested a lot in this field. As for this, our overseas students got a best opportunity for study with the low school fee, the abundant teaching resources and a good learning environment. Its no wonder the best choice for further study as a n overseas student. I have a well foundation in Mechanical as I study Mechanical Engineering in my home country. I had took part in lots of relevant competitions and held the position of assistance in the laboratory, all these experience gave me a valuable assets. I know that its far from enough to be an excellent engineer, so I sincerely hope that I can reach a higher level to further study in France. I love study and have a strong desire for study; I wish to receive your recognition in future. Even though my family is not so wealthy, I hope you can understand me and I will do my best to fulfill my peruses in my study aboard. My study plan is as follow: 1. I will finish the foundation course in home country, and meet the assessment of Language for study in France. 2. The first half year in France, I will go on intensive study in French, and hope to meet the requirement of Language for the subject as early. 3. After finished the Language study, I will spend the rest time for learning the master degree in Mechanical, and minor in the relevant subjects for Automobiles. 4. I will work through the two years study in France, itll not only strengthen my French and also can support me to complete the study. 5. After finished study in campus, Ill spend a period of time for working in France to thank the education Ive got there. 6. During study aboard, I will learn more about French culture and the society, also its scenery, and I will do my best for contribution in the further communication and cooperation between the two countries. I believe Im qualified enough to accept by you, and Ive well prepared. Thanks for reading my plan of study. Wish you all in good health and smooth in work.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Consequences of Smoking

Consequences of Smoking For quite a long time, the utilization of tobacco has been acknowledged. Tobacco plants have been developed in the U.S. in seventeenth century and tobacco has been utilized as a part of different structures from that point forward. In 1865, an individual who is called Washington Duke in North Carolina has begun to move cigarette and exchange it for money. In 1883, a man named James Bonsack designed the machine that can roll the cigarette and production of thousand of cigarettes every day. In this way, as indicated by WHO, there are 20% of the worlds populace are utilizing tobacco. On the off chance that including the individuals who smoke inactively, that number can go up to half (A Complete Social History of Cigarettes). Smoking is destructive to wellbeing is the message which is imprinted on all tobacco items. The fact of the matter is everyone knows except very nearly of them disregards and has straightforward musings about the damage. Circumstance Every day, more than 3,200 individuals under 18 smoke their first cigarette, and roughly 2,100 young people and youthful grown-ups get to be day by day smokers. There are 9 of 10 smokers begin before the age of 18, and 98% begin smoking by age 26. 1 in 5 grown-ups and teens smoke. In 2011, an expected 19% of U.S. grown-ups were cigarette smoker. Roughly 18% of secondary school understudies smoke cigarettes. In 2011, almost 18% of secondary school young men were current cigarette clients. (Tobacco Facts and Figures, 2014). The world has around 1.3 billion individuals use cigarettes, of which the Asia-Pacific district has high rates of cigarette utilization. Asia has 3 out of 5 nations have high rates of cigarette utilization on the planet that is China, Japan and Indonesia. Cigarette utilization has had a tendency to expand, have a tendency to lessening in created nations however expanded in the creating nations. As indicated by appraisals from the review of smoking in grown-ups (from 16 years) in Vietnam (GATS 2010), the rate of smoking among men is 47.4%, in ladies is 1.4%, a sum of more than 15 million grown-ups right now smoke. Individuals on the planet start smoking cigarette on account of various reasons. They are presumably that individuals are focused on or they need to focus on their work or another smoke due to their relative and their companions. Issues Through examination shows tobacco utilization has noteworthy ramifications to the wellbeing, financial advancement, and also the quantity of other social effects. In term of wellbeing issues, cigarette utilization lessens the status of wellbeing, abbreviate lifetime, and reasons the quantity of ailments even sudden passing. As per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cigarette smoking results in more than 480,000 unexpected losses in the United States every year—around 1 in every 5 U.S. passings and an extra 16 million individuals endure with a genuine sickness created by smoking.(Drug realities: Cigarettes and other Tobacco items, 2014). Reason of this result is that cigarettes contain more than 7,000 chemicals, 250 of which are unsafe to both smokers and uninvolved smokers. They are Arsenic, Benzene, Vinyl chloride, Formaldehyde, Toluene. Particularly, it additionally contains Nicotine which is the addictive synthetic. (2011) The body is canny. It goes on the safeguard response when it is being harmed. At the point when smokers utilize the cigarette shockingly, they feel hurt or blazing in the throat, lungs, another get debilitated or even they hurl the initial couple of times they attempt to smoke. Results of this hurting happen dynamically. Over the long term, smoking leads people to make wellbeing issues like coronary sickness, stroke, emphysema (breakdown of lung tissue), and various sorts of development — including lung, throat, stomach, and bladder infection. People who smoke similarly have an extended risk of defilements like bronchitis and pneumonia. These sicknesses limit a singulars ability to be routinely dynamic, and they can be deadly. In the United States, smoking is accountable for around 1 out of 5 perishes. Smokers dont simply make wrinkles and yellow teeth. They similarly lose bone thickness, which fabricates their risk of osteoporosis, a condition that causes more settled people to wind up bent over and their bones to break more easily. Smokers furthermore tend to be less dynamic than nonsmokers in light of the way that smoking impacts lung power. Smoking can likewise cause readiness issues and can influence sexual wellbeing in both men and women. Young women who are on the pill or other hormone-based frameworks for hostile to origination medicine (like the patch or the ring) forms their risk of honest to goodness wellbeing issues, for instance, heart attacks, if they smoke. The consequence of smoking may give off an impression of being far away, however long term wellbeing issues arent the fundamental threat of smoking. Nicotine and substitute toxic substances in cigarettes, stogies, and channels can impact a singulars body quickly, which infers that teen smokers encounter a strong bit of a few issues. Since smoking can decrease the flood of veins, it can keep oxygen and supplements from getting to the skin — which is the reason smokers frequently appear to be pale and undesirable. Studies have furthermore joined with smoking to an extended threat of getting a kind of skin rash called psoriasis. Cigarettes leave smokers with a condition called halitosis, or persisting unpleasant breath. Studies exhibit that smokers get more colds, flu, bronchitis, and pneumonia than nonsmokers. In addition people with certain wellbeing conditions, in the same path as asthma, get the chance to be more crippled in case they smoke (and routinely on the off chance th at theyre just around people who smoke). Since young people who smoke as a way to deal with supervise weight frequently light up rather than devouring, their bodies moreover neglect to offer the supplements they need to create, make, and fight off infection suitably. (Dowshen, 2013) Arrangements Cigarette reasons fluctuated unsafe to people. Subsequently, a few answers for forestalling individuals utilization in cigarettes are important to upgrade the standard of life. Firstly, the administration ought to recommend the smoking ranges, for example, medicinal offices, schools, work environment, indoor, indoor open spots and on open transport. The disallowance of smoking (open spots, work environments and on open transport) has put forward in the International Convention- Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (composing as the FCTC) by the WHO launch, and this tradition was for more than 174 nations sanction. Concerning the opportunity of smokers, they can smoke in the zone not managed or outside where their smoking demonstrations dont imperil the wellbeing of other individuals. The non-smoking individuals have the privilege to inhale natural air unpolluted by tobacco smoke inactively. Furthermore, procurements in the wellbeing notices with pictures on the bundling of tobacco items. The wellbeing cautioning printed photographs to guarantee the privileges of shoppers are mindful of the data about of the items they utilize, the results on the wellbeing dangers and addictive properties, muscle maladies, passings from the utilization of cigarettes. The WHO ponder in 2006 demonstrated the wellbeing cautioning printed photographs will cause stay away from around 300 to 700 unexpected losses every year in decades. Contingent upon studies on the expense productivity of the Institute of wellbeing approach technique indicated over, the wellbeing cautioning printed photographs in Vietnam would have the most minimal expenses in the measures for anticipation of the hurtful impacts of cigarettes. Around the world, the quantity of nations in notice the photographs is on the ascent. There are 42 nations have done. Nonetheless, this arrangement likewise has a deterrent. A few indiv iduals dont say about this notice. Finally, expanding tobacco assessment can be viewed as the ideal decision to put weight on tobacco items. This arrangement strengths smokers to give more cash to buy drugs. At the point when a lot of cash, the medication ought to lessen the measure of tobacco devoured all the while some would consider stopping. Additionally, smokers will feel in control of the smoke. In the meantime the tobacco organizations would be influenced contrarily prompts diminished creation of tobacco. In light of viewpoints, for example, the attainability, adequacy testing, human rights, monetary, expense expand measures are viewed as most suitable for a circuitous effect on the destructive impacts of tobacco to individuals. As far as money, expanding tobacco charges are viewed as a twofold hit the target. Tobacco expenses supplement a lot of cash in the state plan while diminishing offers of tobacco organizations will keep the development of these organizations. The measure of smoking for smokers will be moved to interest in instruction and wellbeing issues of relatives lead to enhancing personal satisfaction as a rule and other supportive administrations. This likewise adds to build vocation opportunities and enhance the economy of the nation. Proof is that tobacco charge income administration of Thailand more than 3 times from around 512 million US dollars in 1992 expanded to more than $ 1.7 billion in 2010. Wellbeing insurance agencies utilize the additional measure of cash that needs spending bill cure lung tumor, prompting lessened speculation to empower the economy. As per the World Bank, the normal expense increment to the cost of cigarettes expanded by 10%, the utilization will increment from 4% to 8%. Besides, individuals who quit implies that there are more than 5 individuals are not uninvolved smokers. The wellbeing of the group is secured in a reasonable manner. Proficiency expands exponentially making awesome point of interest the answer for raise charges. Conclusion In synopsis, cigarettes are bringing on a huge number of diseases. Halting smoking at any age and at whatever point is helpful. Ceasing smoking gives your body a chance to patch the damage brought on by smoking.